Wes Hamilton


November 2018 – Listen For Purpose

This year there is a rare vibrational energy happening in November and this rare energy opportunity will not occur again until 2027! If you have ...
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Secrets and Tips for personal transformation

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October 2018 Listen For Wisdom

Last month you were actively listening for completions inspired by the 9 energy of September. October’s vibrational energy wants you to realize you are entering ...
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September 2018 Listen for completions

You might as well face it, it’s done! Whatever you have been coddling and nurturing for the past few months that’s not working out, really ...
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August 2018 Listen For Solutions

Sometimes it may become quite challenging to make important decisions when you have so many options and perspectives to work with. Good decisions require good ...
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July 2018 Listen For Clues

If you have been “learning to listen” (2018’s vibrational messages) this year, I believe by now you are becoming more aware how valuable your intuition ...
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June is the 6th month of the year has lots of interesting messages for you to interpret as you keep moving forward on your journey ...
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May 2018 Listen For Opportunities

May is the 5th month of the year and Numerology wants you to be aware the energy of five is always looking for opportunities! This ...
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Listen For Direction

Would it not be amazing to wake up in the morning and be able to have a sense of direction for your day? Would it ...
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2018 Predictions

Learn to Listen in 2018

Wes reveals his forecast for 2018 in this video.
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Listen to Create

March being the 3rd month of the year vibrates with the energy of creation. In the oldest text from ancient China, philosopher, Lao Tsu, says: ...
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14 Reasons to try Numerology

Here are 14 scenarios of how numerology is used by people in their personal and professional lives. 1. Reassure themselves that they are on the ...
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Remember and Rejoice

Santa’s on his way! Seasonal holidays remind you to celebrate with friends, family, and people who you care about. This is the time of the ...
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November 2017 Listen And Learn

The last 3 months of your year are vibrating with a much higher double-digit vibrational frequency than the first 9 months of the year. From ...
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October 2017 Take A Risk

Last month the energy of September encouraged you to “clean your closets”. You needed to do this so you will have a clear energy field ...
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