Wes Hamilton


November 2023 Forecast – Awaken Your Intuition

Angels will be pestering you a lot this month. Why do I know this is going to be happening? Because November being the 11th month of the year vibrates to the master number 11/2. This master number is the first in a series of high vibrational energies designed to awaken you to the higher vibrational frequencies where the angels and the spiritual masters live. It’s important for you to accept that your innate intuition is your personal gift. This gift allows you to listen and communicate with these higher spiritual beings who watch over you every day.

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April 2023 Forecast – Plan Your Journey

March being the 3rd month of each year uses the creative 3-vibrational energy. It inspires you to unleash your creative spirit and give it the freedom it needs to create something that makes you happy. Numerology’s wisdom tells us that when you align yourself with creative ideas and dreams, magic happens. Soon you surprise yourself by making your dreams turn into a reality for you to experience.

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March 2023 Forecast – Create Your Future

March being the 3rd month of each year uses the creative 3-vibrational energy. It inspires you to unleash your creative spirit and give it the freedom it needs to create something that makes you happy. Numerology’s wisdom tells us that when you align yourself with creative ideas and dreams, magic happens. Soon you surprise yourself by making your dreams turn into a reality for you to experience.

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February 2023 Forecast – Love Thy Self

Now is the time to slow down and spend more time with you so that you can explore the greater aspects of who you are being. Remember 2023 is asking you to know thy self by investing more time looking in the mirror, by looking deeply into your eyes. This is important because your eyes are the windows to your soul. Your soul is the source, the core of who you are. The Greek philosopher and wise master Aristotle (384BC-322BC) is quoted saying “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom”. When you know who you are, you can begin to accept and love yourself.

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