Wes Hamilton

Authorized Numerologist Membership


Membership with courses, videos, PDF Workbooks, Numerology Portal online app


Register for Wes Hamilton’s Authorized Numerologist Membership today and receive:

  • 12-months access to Authorized Numerology Membership
  • Chart Your Destiny DIY online Course
  • A complete Chart Your Destiny workbook to use over and over again to create Numerology charts for yourself, family, friends, and clients
  • A personalized and signed “Authorized Numerologist” completion certificate
  • Numerology Portal with Dashboard of calculations with Contacts list and PDF reports to download or email
  • Live, Online, Group Monthly Calls
  • On-going content releases
  • Bonus Live virtual 20-minute Numerology reading 1-on-1 with Wes Hamilton ($80 value)
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