Wes Hamilton


September 2021 Complete Your Adventure

September’s 9-energy says it’s time to wrap things up! If you pay attention to nature, the signs of wrapping things up are everywhere. Trees transform ...
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October 2020 Master New Opportunities

Have you become aware there may be new opportunities appearing on your path everywhere, every day? Yes, it is true! Your conscious awareness sees these ...
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timing, purpose, and direction

Transitions Create Joy

Transitions are not always easy to make happen when you are not sure what lies behind the next doorway to your future. Most of the ...
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Manifest With Joy

Did you know manifesting is something you do all day long? Seriously, at some level of your awareness your life is exactly what you manifested! ...
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Path to Self-Mastery

Know thy self     We have connections to others  Ancient writings tell us we are all connected at a subconscious and superconscious level in our minds. ...
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Listen to Create

March being the 3rd month of the year vibrates with the energy of creation. In the oldest text from ancient China, philosopher, Lao Tsu, says: ...
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Remember and Rejoice

Santa’s on his way! Seasonal holidays remind you to celebrate with friends, family, and people who you care about. This is the time of the ...
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November 2017 Listen And Learn

The last 3 months of your year are vibrating with a much higher double-digit vibrational frequency than the first 9 months of the year. From ...
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It’s time for you to make it big!

People will buy if you embrace these 3 communication secrets about selling. Magnetic communication energy is: compelling, captivating, and irresistible, There are two levels to ...
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Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist


About Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist When you first meet Wes, you get the feeling as if you’ve known him a long time.  He is very ...
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Spiritual Life Leadership Coaching

Spiritual Life/Leadership coaching programs guide you out of frustrating, challenging situations, or feeling lost. Are you searching for fulfillment? Do you feel like you have ...
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